Lesson 2: Dribble and knock out

Tactical Problem: - maintaining possession of the ball

Skill development: - jogging and dribbling in a space
                            - being aware of teammates location
                            - getting possession of the ball

Teaching Points:

- control ball with head up
- moving into space away from opponents
- pressuring other players

- 2 large square grids
- everyone with a ball
- dribbling around the grid trying to knock other players balls away
- once you lose your ball then you are out



Organizational Points: 

- 10 girls in each grid
- can vary grid size if necessary
- emphasize head up and control
- be prepared to retrieve loose balls (teacher)
- start over once everyone is out
- Cues: ball pushed firmly with elbow and wrist, fingers spread, heel of hand not in contact, flex wrist and elbow, cushion ball as it returns

- smaller grid size
- once ball is knocked out, stay in grid and try and knock other balls